Ninja Turtles: The Origin Story

We took the kids to the park on Sunday afternoon. It was warm and sunny, and honestly everything seemed at peace. The kids went to play, and Ethan and I sat on a bench in the sun to talk. And bask.

And I had my favorite shirt on! (My second favorite, actually. My favorite is the purple Kirby shirt.) My (second) favorite shirt has sketches of Leonardo da Vinci, Donatello, Rafael, and Michelangelo – all with colored masks on, matching their corresponding ninja turtles. Art history majors, step aside. We all know the most important contribution these fine gentlemen made to modern American culture was these pizza-loving reptiles.

For some reason, I can’t find the exact shirt, but here. You get the idea.

Anyways, while we’re sitting on the bench, this little kid comes running past us, stops short, and looks at me. He takes a second and then asks, “Is that a ninja turtle shirt?”

“Yes!” I said. He looked skeptical, so I explained, “These are the painters who the turtles are named after.”

His eyes went wide. “And they turned into turtles?!?”

“Yeah!” I said, because what else was I supposed to say?

The little dude went careening off into the sunset (i.e. the merry-go-round) shouting, “I want to play taaaag!” And I have never been prouder of that stupid t-shirt.

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